Reigate Weather - Yesterday's data

This page has all the data from yesterday, which was recorded for 24 hours up to midnight, local time.

The latest data was read on Friday April 26 2024 at 20:50 (UK time)

Temperature and humidity
Outside high temperature12.4°Cat 12:11
Outside low temperature0.7°C at 00:53
Temperature range11.7°C
Average temperature6.6°C
Outside high apparent temperature10.2°C at 14:21
Outside low apparent temperature-1.5°C at 00:53
High heat index12.4°C at 12:11
Low wind chill0.7°C at 00:53
High dew point6.6°C at 17:30
Low dew point-1.3°C at 00:32
High humidity94 % at 23:01
Low humidity55 % at 12:13
Rainfall2.2 mm
High rain rate11.2 mm/hrat 08:24
High hourly rain1.6 mm/hrat 18:54
High wind speed6.2 mphat 11:21
High wind speed beaufort scaleF2
High wind gust (and bearing)20.1 mph (268°)at 11:26
Wind run26.6 miles
Dominant Wind directionW
Air pressure
High pressure1010.91 mbat 00:00
Low pressure999.83 mbat 17:49