Reigate Weather - Today's data

This page has all the data from today, which has been recorded since midnight local time.

The latest data was read on Friday April 19 2024 at 23:30 (UK time)

Temperature and humidityComparison to yesterday
Outside high temperature16.0°Cat 15:02 ↑ 1.2°C higher
Outside low temperature6.5°C at 22:17 ↑ 2.8°C higher
Temperature range9.5°C ↓ 1.6°C lower
Average temperature10.3°C    ↑ 1.3°C higher
Outside high apparent temperature14.2°C at 16:28 ↑ 1.7°C higher
Outside low apparent temperature4.7°C at 23:08 ↑ 2.7°C higher
High heat index16.0°C at 15:02 ↑ 1.2°C higher
Low wind chill5.3°C at 00:10 ↑ 2.9°C higher
High dew point10.1°C at 13:15 ↑ 4°C higher
Low dew point1.9°C at 22:58 ↑ 0.1°C higher
High humidity89 % at 00:59 ↓ 1% lower
Low humidity57 % at 15:01 ↑ 12% higher
Rainfall1.2 mm ↑ 0.2 mm higher
High rain rate5.8 mm/hrat 12:37
High hourly rain0.8 mm/hrat 00:00
High wind speed9.3 mphat 14:03 ↑ 1.5 mph higher
High wind speed beaufort scaleF3
High wind gust (and bearing)26.3 mph (249°)at 11:24 ↑ 1.5 mph higher
Wind run65.8 miles ↑ 9.2 miles higher
Dominant Wind directionWNW
Air pressure
High pressure1021.95 mbat 23:26 ↓ 0.19999999999993mb lower
Low pressure1014.06 mbat 07:53 ↓ 1.45mb lower