Reigate Weather - Current conditions

The current weather forecast for Reigate, at 13:50 on 27 July 2024 is 'Fine weather'

Welcome to the Reigate Weather Station. This website has been set up to record the weather statistics from Reigate, in Surrey which is located in the South East of England.

Latitude: N 51° 14' 04" and Longitude W 00° 12' 00"

The weather station, a Davis Vantage Pro, is situated in the garden of my house which is close to the foot of Reigate Hill, the seventh highest point in Surrey (220 meters).

The statistics have been running since 01 January 2009 and are taken multiple times a second and recorded in Cumulus (version 1.9.4). The data is then transferred to this website every 10 minutes.

The latest data was uploaded on Saturday July 27 2024 at 13:50 (UK time)

Temperature and humidity
Outside temperature22.1°C Apparent temperature21.5°C
Variation (last hour)+0.5°CVariation (last 3 hours)+0.8°C (Rising)
Heat index22.1°C ? Humidex23.9°C ?
Wind chill22.1°C Dew point11.1°C
Humidity50 % Average temperature14.7°C
Total rainfall today0.0 mm Total rainfall in last hour0.0 mm
Current rainfall rate0.0 mm/hr Total rainfall in last 24 hours0.0 mm
Rain this month82.2 mm Rain this year605.4 mm
Consecutive dry days (excl. today)1 Consecutuve wet days (excl. today)0
Last rainfall recorded2024-07-25 20:22
Current wind speed3.1 mph Wind directionNNE
Wind speed (gust)7.8 mph Beaufort ScaleF1(Light air)
Wind run today 11.3 miles
Air pressure
Barometer1013.11 mb Barameter trendSteady
Sun information
Sun rise05:19 Sun set20:55
Dawn04:38 Dusk21:36
Day light16:58 hours
Moon information
Moon rise23:29 Moon set13:11
Moon phaseWaning Gibbous Moon age21 days
Moon visible percent57 %

Please note I upgraded weather stations on 3rd June 2021 and the high temperatures and rain measurements will be more accurate from this date onwards.